This Sweep Ended On May 24, 2019 11:59PM UTC

Click here to enter ExtraTV - A Gift Bag from the Daytime Emmys Golden Gifting Suite (

Below are the details of the the ExtraTV - A Gift Bag from the Daytime Emmys Golden Gifting Suite sweepstakes.

  • Enter: Single per Person, Email
    Enter Via: Web
  • Tags:
  • Award Frequency: Single
Prizes Categories: Miscellaneous

Gift Bag brands listed on entry page.

Restrictions: open to legal residents of the United States (50 states and District of Columbia, but specifically excluding the territory of Puerto Rico) who are aged eighteen (18) and over as of the date of entry | Country: USA

Started: May 11, 2019
Expires: May 24, 2019 11:59PM UTC
Submitted: by Pinkadot

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