There are multiple ways to avoid seeing Blogs. The first way is to filter them from the Search results by clicking on a Primary Entry Mode other than Blog Comment.

Entry mode filters

The more permanent way is to click on Settings:

Settings in the menu

Which takes you to your profile page. There is a list of all of the Tags. Each tag has a toggle that allows you to hide all Sweeps that have been tagged with that particular Tag.

Blog filters in Settings

Here you can see that I have "Blog Comment" set to Always Hide. Which means I will never see a Sweep in my search results that has been tagged with "Blog Comment". There are actually multiple blog related tags:

  • Blog Comment - To enter this Sweep you must leave a comment on a blog
  • Small Blog - The Sweep is hosted on a personal blog
  • Multiple Entry - The Sweep allows you to enter in multiple ways
  • Social Media Post - The Sweep requires you to post on Social Media to enter

There are 1817 Sweepstakes that you might be interested in entering.

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